Evidence of workflow done during internship rotation!
Hello everyone This is Navyatha! This is a compailation of work blogs and PAJR created during my medicine rotation! Life in medicine department is a delicate balance—between patient care and paperwork, professional responsibilities and personal well-being. The lesson lies in mastering this equilibrium, knowing when to push forward and when to pause, ensuring sustained excellence in both professional and personal realms. Case 1: https://navyathapothularollno110.blogspot.com/2023/10/this-is-online-e-log-book-to-discuss.html Chief complaints : Patient came with chief complaints of fever since 10 days HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back and developed fever which is intermittent high grade relieved on medication Associated with chills and rigor Loss of appetite Not a/s w cold cough Not a/s chest pain ,palpitations,shortness of breath Past history: H/o surgery: umbilical hernia : hernioplasty 30 yrs ago Not a k/c/o Dm Htn tb asthma ...