Involuntary movements with fever

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

Navyatha 110 ,( the patient's  collateral  relatives provided the history  as the patient couldn't  talk)

4th December: reduced altered sensorium 

 70 year old female,resident of miryalaguda came with  

Chief complaints:

History of fever since 4 days

Involuntary movements on since 2day 

Confusion,agitation since 1day

History of presenting illness:

Patient was asymptomatic 4 days back, and developed high grade  fever which was gradual in onset and was intermittent type and this was associated with chills and rigors 

This was associated with vomiting which was non projectile,non blood stained, contents with undigested food with mild abdominal pain,and there wasrelief after emesies

She was then taken to a local RMP was given I.v fluids and was diagnosed with dengue and was treating the hospital for the same 

Then patient developed  Involuntary movements of upper and lower limbs which was abrupt in onset and was associated with altered mental status 

There was no association of intoxication, environmental exposure to toxins,headache, no recent change in medication

Patient's daily routine:

Patient would wake up everyday at 7:00 in the morning, and do her everyday rituals ,then she would have her breakfast  which is mostly dal and rice .

Patient used to work in the farm fields 10 years back and stopped now because of her age 

She now passes her time watching television and then has her lunch at 2pm followed by a short nap in the afternoon 

She has her dinner at 8pm and goes to sleep by 9pm 

The following  are her the past reports:

Past history:

No similar complaints in the past 

No history of hypertension,  diabetes, Tuberculosis, seizures 

Marital history:

Married at age 20 ,had her first child at25 2nd and 3rd at 28 and 30 age respectively.

Delivery  by normal delivery 

Surgical history:

Underwent tubectomy at age 34

Cataract  surgery 1year back

Family  history:

No significant family history 

Personal history:


mixedDiet, consumes rice on daily basis ,chicken and other non vegetarian foods occasionally 

Appetite: normal 

Sleep: adequate 

Bowel and bladder habits :normal

Addictions:smoker(chutta) since 30 years stopped 1 year ago,toddy Consumption stopped 20 years 

General examination: 

Patient is conscious,coherent and Cooperative well oriented with time palce and person 

No signs of pallor, Icterus cyanosis,Clubbing,Lymphadenopathy 


Temperature: 37 .7


Pulse rate 70bpm

Respiratory Rate  :18 cpm



E3: eye opening to sound 

V4 confused 

M5 localized pain 


Head to toe examination:

Hair :normal

eyes :normal 

ears :normal

no deviation of the mouth

Nails:no discoloration 

Skin: pigmentation at certain  areas 

chest: normal , no scars


spine: no deformity 

Systemic examination:


Higher mental functions:

Speech slurred



Spine:no deformity 

Cranial nerve examination 

1st nerve: olfactory  normal 

2nd optic nerve 

Visual acuity: counting fingers

3rd 4th 6th nerve: oculomotor ,trochlear,abducens 

Primary gaze present

EOM  RT      LT

  SR  n    normal 

  IR      normal 

  SO     normal 

   IO    normal

Ptosis absent

Pupils reactive to light 

5th nerve    RT      LT

Corneal reflex   +   +

Jaw jerk +   +

Sensation over the face-present 

7thh nerve;

Frowning   absent 

Orbicularis oculi

Nasolabial fold present 

8th nerve

Vestibular cochlear 

                 Rt           left  

Rinnies    +           +

Webbers  +            +

9th nerve

Uvula central 

10th  nerve

Gag reflex present

Hypoglossal nerve


 Motor system

  Muscle bulk 

Muscle tone inspection


Resistance seen on right upper limb


Grade 3 against gravity

Coordination movements normal

Finger nose test

Finger finger nose test

Involuntary movements  present 

Reflexes:        Rt     left

Corneal          +        +


Palatial           +        +

Abdominal      +       +

Plantar           +        +

Deep Reflexes

Jaw jerk       +    +

Biceps jerk +      ++

Supinator jerk  ++

Triceps jerk  +   +

Knee jerk +     +

Ankle jerk+  +

Sensory examination:

Fine touch  present 

Pain responding 

Temperature felt

Vibration felt


 Kerning sign positive

Brudzinikies sign 

Neck stiffness


Anti hcv

Na: 127
K: 3.5

Csf examination:

Provisional diagnosis:

Altered sensorium secondary to hyponatremia?, viral dengue?( ns1+) meningo encephalitis?


O2 supplementation 

Ryeles feeding 

Inj dexa 8mg iv TID 

NS 50ML/hr iv continuous infusion 

Inj monocet 2g/iv BD


  • Altered mental status may be classified according to its origin into 4 major groups: dementiadeliriumpsychosis, and neurologic causes.
  • Diagnostic criteria:
  • By eliciting Reflexes
  • Gcs 
  • Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU)


adequate intravenous access, providing oxygen, and obtaining important vitals (e.g., temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, BP, oxygen saturation, and blood sugar).

The following conditions must be identified and corrected promptly,

  • HypotensionHypoglycemiaHypoxiaHypercapnia, andHyperthermia

Effect of hyponatremia on the brain. 

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