Heart failure

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem collective current best evident based input.

55 yr old male resident of miryalaguda came with 

Chief complaints:

Shortness of breath  since 8 days

Swelling in both legs since 5 days 

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back and developed Shortness of breath which was insidious in onset and gradual in progression which increases on activity decreases in sitting position (Mmrc gr2)

This was associated with swelling in the feet since 5 days which was pitting type and is gradual in progression and extended upto knees

(History of non progressive , non radiating Lower backache from past 5 years , for which he used analgesics from past 3 years every 2-3 days . )

No history of chest pain ,palpitation,sweating 

No History of fever, cold, cough

No history of burning micturition, frothy urine,hematuria 

No history of decreased urine output 

Daily routine:

Patient is vegetable vendor by occupation, gets up at 6 in the morning,eats his breakfast which is mostly rice or chapati, goes to the market, his occupation is mostly  associated in sitting posture.he has his lunch by 3 pm in the afternoon and returns home by 9 pm in the night 

5 to 6 years Back he has history of severe lower back pain which has aggravated on sitting ,regression onpain killers 

Past history: 

not a known case of diabetes,  hypertension, Tuberculosis. Epilepsy   asthma 

History H/O b/l inguinal hernia surgery 8 years back(8 years back on right side and 4 years later on left side)

Present history:
Diet: mixed
Appetite: normal 
Bowel and bladder : normal
Sleep inadequate 
Addictions : Alcohol  consumption  for the past 10 year
90ml whiskey everyday for past 7 years 
No known allergies 

Family history:
No significant family history 

General examination 
Patient was conscious coherent  and Cooperative and Well oriented  with time place  and person 
Temperature: afebrile 
Pulse rate 69 bpm
RR: 2ocpm
Spo2 98%

No pallor Icterus cyanosis 

Clubbing and pedal edema positive 

Systemic examination:

: elevated 
Examined in good light  45

 Chest wall shape: 
Pectus  excavatum abs
Dilated veins abs 
Pulsations abs 
Dilated scars sinuses absent 

Apex beat 
Position: laterally in 5the ics
Character: diffuse and sustained 

Pulsations not present 
Thrills not present 

All borders  of heart normally located 
Rt heart border
Left heart border
Dullness noted from left 2nd is medial to paraphernalia line to apex 

Mitral area, tricuspid area, Aortic,Pulmonary 
S1 S2 heard 

Murmurs not heard 

Respiratory system 
Shape and wall of chest 
Apical impulse 
Trachea position 
Visible scars sinuses over chest 

 No trachea deviation 
Tenderness In the chest wall
Chest expansion :generalized  restriction 
Apex beat  displacement  seen
Vocal frenitus decreased 


dullness felt at axillary area on right side


normal vesicular breath sounds heard and diminished sounds at right mammary and axillary areas,

Abdominal examination 
Shape is normal
Tenderness  No 
No palpable organimegaly 
Bowel sounds heard 

Central nervous system 
No focal neurological deficits 

Provisional diagnosis:
Heart failure with reduced ejecation fraction associated  with Bilateral pleural effusion 


> Nat > 140
K+ -> 7.3
"Cl = 181
S pot Unine protein-+09
+ 21-4
Ratio-s 1.91

Chest xray 


 1 month back 


1.inj lasix 40 mg iv bd

2.fluid restriction <1lt/day and slat restriction <2gm/day.

3.tab.ecosprin po

4. Tab MET-XL 12.5 mg po

5. Inj. Thiamine 200mg direct iv bd

6. Pantop 40 mg po bd

7. Bp charting every 4 th hrly and grbs 12 th hrly


Heart failure is a cardidysfunction resulting reduced cardiac output and demands 

Nyha classification of heart failure




Elevated jvp

Dependent edema

Laterally shifted cardiac Apical impulse


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